Well, well, well. Here it is. Another day after thanksgiving and I actuallly made it home alive. The cars, the traffic, the people. Oh my god!!! Year after year, it always surprises me. I never really fathomed how crazy it could get until I had my first experince of it a few years back. Oh yeah, I remember it like it was yesterday. Waking up way before the butt crack of dawn just to hear people scream over the latest gizmos and gadgets, clothing, and toys. I don't ever( in a million years)...
For those of you that have read my blogs or my posts and thought to your self "Damn, thats one bitter son-of-a-bitch", well, your right. I'm about to tell you a story about on of my pet peeves. The art of lying to yourself, and others, just to get attention. (and yes, this does involve a girl). So here goes. About two weeks ago, one of my "friends" whom I haven't seen, for about a month, decides that she wants to hang out with us for a few hours. When she called, she sounded depressed, and...
I spend most of my time thinking about what could have been. I had a person, whom I thought was my friend, kinda' leave me out in the cold an I've been trying to figure out why. I always wondered if it was my fault that I don't keep in touch, but I can't blame her for not wanting to talk to me; I have changed some in the past few months. I become more irritable, more insensitve, and my patience is waring thin, almost like I've become a timebomb. I don't trust myself around the people I care a...
(Conclusion) So anyway, I said to myself, "Figured he'd make plans and forget him."(He does it all the time) Now I'm not thinking about him at this point because I'm moving my shit right now. I get a good portion of my stuff out. I feel satisfied by my job, so I come home and relaxe. I come home and he is walking out the door. "Man, I just got off work." he said. " I'm trying to get intouch with somone who has a truck cause we need to move this stuff." Then he said," And the utilities can'...
My roommate and I are moving out tommorrow. This is a pretty simple task that involves planning and using good judgement. But with this being said, he found a way took fuck it all up and piss me off in the process. How hard is it. You come home from work, you pack your shit, you get the fuck out, that't not hard now is it. Well, it is to him. So here's a little story. Because of my money situation, I had to move out. There was no choice in the matter. I can be partly to blame for the percr...
#1. Always speak out of turn. I've come to learn that if you interupt people while they're having a conversation, they tend to not like that. Especially when the conversation is interesting to them.(And only them.) #2. Be brutaly honest. Be honest to the point where its hurtful and you can't take anything back. I'v done research on this method, and it works extremely well. If a "friend" ask you for advice, then you should give it to them. But, if they don't follow the advice that you give...
Today at work, I was trying to figure out how to get of work Thursday so I could rest for the big family weekend get together during christmas. I keep saying to myself " I should have asked for the day off." But then I found out that if I took thursday off, I would lose my holiday pay. I said to myself," Fuck it, might as well go in." Then a small miracle happened. Because of the talk of snow here in the south, the supervisors got together to figure out a way to keep employee's from callin...
It's almost Eleven o'clock and I have a bit a hungar attack. We really don't have anything here at the house that's worth eating. I dig, dig, and dig, but can't find one scrap of food anywere. Until.... I stumble upon some peanut butter that I had when I was living in my apartment. I check the experation date, still good. So with that being said, I grab some breed and I hit the food bar. Ohhh, peanut butter is sooooo good. It makes me happy. It makes me feel full. I really don't have to ...
I love how I think sometimes. It borders on the verge of randomness. Sometimes I get down just like everyone else, but I draw on some of my brainstorming to help me through the day. I'll give an example. A song runs through my head like so, "let me think (think about what?) about girls (and what else?), money and new clothes." (What do I get?) "Thirty nights (uh huh) of violence (yeah) and sugar to love." "Her she comes (ha ha ha) closer to the lung." (So I can, so I can.) "Shove her...
So here I am, another Saturday night and I'm by myself. What happened to the "friends" that were going to hang out with me no matter what? Well this is what happened. I came to the conclusion that friends are like nikes, they're good for about six months and then you want a new pair. So i figure my $150 value has run out. I guess i can just chill by myself and have a few beers and drink a little vodka for the weekend. Damn, this drinking shit has become a habit. I better watch it. So I hope e...
I ask, why does alcohol taste so good? I don't really know, but it helps me kill anything negative I've been thinking about all day. I haven't really thought about anything since I took a drink a few hours ago. It just taste so good. I think I lost a few brain cells though, but who's counting. (and who cares. Its alcohol) I know it's a work week, but I just felt like drinking anyway. So cheers, and everyone have a good night. I think I'll be better in the morning.
It's late and I was just setting here thinking about something to post when I didn't have anything. I think that I'll write a few lines from one of my favorite songs. This would go in the lyric game, but I really didn't feel like matching words, so here goes. Read me the letter, baby Do not leave ou the words. Story and cigaretts ruin lives of lesser girls Yeah, want you to know.cause i got to konw And it's a stange condition A day in prison It's got me out of my head and I don't kn...
I saw a friend of mine who said whe would be my friend for ever. Hadn't seen or talk to her in a few months and I thought I'd be nice by trying to help them out in the store they work in. But she never acknowledged that I was there. I promised her that I wasn't going to drink, but guess what, I'm fucking wasted, and there's nothing she can do about it. I'm wasted and there's nothing that anyone can do about it. I've spent the entire year trying to be clean, but if she doen't give a fuck, the...
They other day, me and a friend of mine were hanging out in the mall. Killing time until we did something useful. We were hungry, and instead of going to a normal restaurant, we decided to eat at the mall. I wasn't hungry at first, but we were waiting on another friend of ours to show up, and the longer I waited, the hunger began to grow. So i broke down and bought something. I went to Chck-fil-a and ordered a grill chicken sandwich combo. It cost about, of, five and some change. A little mor...
This is a repost because I accidently deleted the first one (Sorry Alison but thaks for the comment). I've recently had trouble with my computer. System crashes, system lag, corrupted data, and web pages not being downloaded correctly. I spent the whole week trying to fix it. I finally got everything worked out but I still had trouble with Internet explorer. Got that fixed to when I downloaded firefox. So everything is cool. I made a post last night on how aggavated I was about my famil...