Lifes not that bad, but I'm gonna bitch about it anyways....
Published on December 18, 2004 By mada_ecks In Misc
So here I am, another Saturday night and I'm by myself. What happened to the "friends" that were going to hang out with me no matter what? Well this is what happened. I came to the conclusion that friends are like nikes, they're good for about six months and then you want a new pair. So i figure my $150 value has run out. I guess i can just chill by myself and have a few beers and drink a little vodka for the weekend. Damn, this drinking shit has become a habit. I better watch it. So I hope everyone out there in Joe User land has a good weekend, cause I know I am. ;-ll
on Dec 19, 2004

~raises her glass of Jack and Coke in toast to you and your great weekend~

on Dec 19, 2004
Thanx. but I would like to add, I know in all my post lately I've put in a lot about drinking. I'm not an alkie, I just feel like, I don't know. I can't describe it, but I just fee like I can't get past these hurdles I have. So I drink a little. The support group of friends I have are no more. So why not have a little every now and then. But I try to stay positive. I just don't want anyone to think I'm a complete lush.