Lifes not that bad, but I'm gonna bitch about it anyways....
Published on December 9, 2004 By mada_ecks In Misc
They other day, me and a friend of mine were hanging out in the mall. Killing time until we did something useful. We were hungry, and instead of going to a normal restaurant, we decided to eat at the mall. I wasn't hungry at first, but we were waiting on another friend of ours to show up, and the longer I waited, the hunger began to grow. So i broke down and bought something. I went to Chck-fil-a and ordered a grill chicken sandwich combo. It cost about, of, five and some change. A little more since I had it upsized.

The mall was pretty busy (it being the weekend and all) so I had to wait for a while. It was also lunch time which made the wait with another bunch of strangers all the more bearable. I didn't hand the cashier the money, cause he walked of in mid sentence, so I was going to come back so I could pay. At that time, there was a lady who bought some Ice cream with her daughter. Another cashier rang up the sale and added my purcahse to theirs. In the confusion of them trying to figure out what they got charge. The original clerk came back with my sandwich. So I'm standing there waiting to give someone my money. I even said "hay, I haven't paid for it yet" and now one paid attention. So I walked off. I got a free sandwich and no one noticed. The down side to it is, it wasn't the sandwich I ordered, but still, I got a free sandwich!!!!!

I got excited cause stuff like that never happen to me but it always happens to people I know.

So, I'd like to your free food or merchandise story.

on Dec 09, 2004
Not nearly as exciting as yours, but I used to work at a pizza shop and made myself free food all the time. As in I lived off it for a few months. But then again, I did make the food I ate, and I did work here when doing so, so maybe it was more of a job perk then free food?
on Dec 09, 2004
Alright so I'm at a Wendy's drive-thru with a friend of mine. We order a couple of number 4's (Spicy Chicken Sandwich--Heaven in sandwich form). We creep our way up to the window where they give us our food.

It was lunchtime, and the restaurant was very busy. When we pull up to the drive-thru window, a very disoriented and preoccupied employee says "You had the four number 4's and the two number 6's and the nuggets right?"

At this particular Wendy's, the window that takes your money is separate from the window that gives you food, and it comes before, so we had already paid. We proceeded to accept the huge order, which we only paid about 8 dollars for.

This particular event had the added bonus of not only getting us free food, but single-handedly ruining the orders of everyone in the drive-thru line behind us. hehehe