Lifes not that bad, but I'm gonna bitch about it anyways....
25 years in the making...
Published on August 8, 2005 By mada_ecks In Life Journals
Through all these years of struggles, I'm thankful to be alive...
to see this day, 08/08, where I turn twenty-five.
I made it this far, but there is plenty of roud ahead,
but I partied to hard Friday and spent the weekend in bed.
Days like these make me realize that life is great,
in three more years I'll be twenty-eight. (meh!!)
Oh where did the time go? It seemed to have flown by..
I do wish I were younger though, I just can not lie.
But one last thing before I go, I'll leave you with a treat...
damn, can't think of anything...oh, there's a birthday cake


on Aug 08, 2005
Happy Birthday to you!
on Aug 08, 2005
Thank you