Life and times of a kid named "ecks"...
It's been a while since I actually written anything, so now I take this time to write an article out of sheer nostalgia.
Nostalgia you ask? Well, I always feel nostalgic around my birthday. I turn twenty-five in four days and every year around this time, I find myself looking back. Thinking about past adventures and shanagens. I wish I could think of a few stories, but I really can't think of anything interesting to share. Well, other than the fact that nearly twenty years ago, I started school. I remember waking up that day and thinking it was going to be a normal day. See, I lived with my grandparents(and continued to live with them until I turned 20, but that's a story for another time). My grandmother was a house-keeper and my grandfather had retired from Ford, but passed the time by having his own landscaping business. It was nothing big. He basically did the work for the employers my grandmother worked for.
I usually spent time with them while they worked. Sitting in(by) the car playing with my action figures(GI-Joe, He-man, Thundercats..Ya know... the classics...) watching my grandfather work his tail off. After he got finished we usually would go get food and comeback to the house waiting for my grandma to finish. Then it was back to our house where I continued to play with my toys, watch TV, have my grandma read me a story, and go to bed waiting to do the same thing again tomorow.
But the day I mentioned, it was different. Different because we woke up earlier than we usually did. Driving in a different direction than we usually traveled, and ending up in a different location that was unfamiliar. Yes, it was school. It was my first day. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I was so scared that I had a freakin fit all over the classroom, crying so hard I think I nearly lost a lung. I hoped if I cried long and hard enough, my grandparents would take me back home. But they didn't. So here is where I take my first big step into the world. Into the realm of Central elementary School. Where I was either getting picked on by the other students, or getting praise from the teachers. The teachers would brag to my grandparents about how smart and well-behaved I was in class. Which stayed the same until my senior year in high school. Were I was labeled, "Most likely to become a late-night-talk-show host" because of my sarcastic wit.
Another reason why I'm lacking any good stories is mainly, well most of the time seems like a huge blur. When I became a teenager, I spent most of my time wrapped up in video games. I would hang-out at this arcade in our local mall(yes, I was a mall-rat)and played video games until my fingers were soar an my eyes bleed. I was always made fun of because of this, but I didn't care. Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, Fatal Fury, Samurai Showdown, Time Killers, King Of Fighters, and Metal Slug were the only things I cared about.(Loser, I know. Yes I didn't have a girlfriend) Myself, and this older kid named Jay, would battle each other inMortal Kombat 2. He was considerably better than I was, and offered to teach me how to become better. We became good friends and are still so today. Through this place, I have befriended a lot of people. "Some" of them I'm still glad to call a friend.
Not to long after graduation, I was employed at this very arcade for almost 2 years.. Working with a psychopath whom would stalk young females working in the mall.(He wasn't very good at taking hints). I hated working with this guy, and he drove me crazy. So I ended up quitting and working for Sears. 3 apartments, a house, and 2 jobs later, I find myself having a web blog(multiple web-blogs actually) and typing a mini-life story . There really isn't much to me. What you see(or read) is what you get. So anyways, I hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to tell me your thoughts (Great or if it