Lifes not that bad, but I'm gonna bitch about it anyways....
Published on June 23, 2005 By mada_ecks In Basketball
Tonight's the night. Win or go home. I think it's been a very good series, So who will win? Spurs? or the Pistons?

Who do you think will win?


on Jul 02, 2005
I really wanted the Pistons to win. They were doing really good until the 4th quarter. Manu's dunk just rattled them and they lost their concentration.

It was just painful to watch them go from their usual selves to being broken. I really hope Larry Brown returns next year. I like him. Although I'm not sure that's realistic.
on Jul 03, 2005
I also hope he comes back, but it seems like Joe Dumars, the Piston office, and Larry Brown have this whole "Tom and Jerry" game going on. Brown saying that "I'll come back if they want be back", and Dumars saying, "The job is his if he wants it".

I don't think he's coming back and I hope he doesn't take those office jobs in Cleveland or New York. I just don't see Larry Brown as an office type guy..He's well-suited being a coach. A damn good coach and a future hall-of-famer in my book.