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The soapbox chronicles..
Lifes not that bad, but I'm gonna bitch about it anyways....
What does the "ecks" stand for?
A little blog about me.
Published on February 9, 2005 By
Life Journals
I've been on JU for a few months now, and I don't think I ever wrote anything positive about myself. Most of the articles I've written seem to be about me being stabbed in the back by former friends. Which in turn, makes me look like a very belligerent person. I'm really not that bad, I just had some bad luck but I want to tell(Whom ever reads this) a little bit about me and my interest. So here goes.
I was born, and still reside, in Alabama. When I was born, I was adopted by my grandparents because my mom didn't have the funds or the time to raise a child by herself. It wasn't all her fault, my "dad" ran out on us as soon as I was conceived. Left my mom high and dry and she really didn't have anyone else (besides her parents, My grandparents) for support. So, instead of dragging a baby around that she didn't have time for cause she was working full time and was a full time student, my grandparents took care of me. My mom didn't leave me completely, she stull visited and got me the things I needed, but she just didn't have any other person to trust besides my grandparents. So i stayed with them. She remarried after that and had 3 children from this relationship.
I was a pretty shy kid. I didn't do much with the neighborhood children. And when I was in school, I kept to myself also. I tried to make friends, but a lot of kids didn't like being around a overweight kid. (Yes, I was/still a little bit)overweight. Not something I'm proud of). When I got into high school, I tried out for the football team. I made the team as and right guard, but two games into the season, I had a knee injury which sidelined me for the rest of the year. I tried again the next year but wasn't as impressive as I was the previous year, but made the team second string. I didn't really get along with the coach so after the season, I quit the team. After graduation (circa class of '98), I attended a community college for a year, had some issues with finacial aid, so I dropped out to work full time and have had a job (of some kind) since '99.
I'm a wrestling fan. I went to a wrestling school when I was 19 cause I really wanted to be a wrestler, but the I had a hard time keeping the payments up for the school, so I let that go. Eventhough I quit high school ball, I still love sports. Tennis, hockey, golf, basketball, football, baseball, soccer, I love to watch them all. I'm also a fan of music. I'll listen to just about anything (with the exception of country music.. Yeah, I'm a hater, sue me.).
Since I do have a bit of a weight problem, I work out as often as I can. When I started my latest job, the work hours have fucked up my schedule, but I'm still trying to lose the weight. When I was a senior, I weighed about 350 lbs. SInce then, I lost about 100 pounds. I was so glad to make it to 250. But now I'm jumping up and down from 260 to 270. With spring coming up though, so I plan to take care of those pounds.
When I first logged in to JU, I used the name "Da Face" cause it was a nick name (which I don't like) that just stuck with me. I changed my user name because it sybolized me. The name "Mada Ecks" is my first name backwards with "ecks" at the end. I use it cause I can't use "X" (since I would be straight edge and I'm sure as hell not that") "Ex" is on my email adress but I wanted to change it up a bit (plus "Ecks" was the name of Antonio Banderas in "Ecks vs Sever", one of my favorite movies. Yeah, I said it!!).
What does it stand for? Well, what do we know about "X". Nothing. It could be anything, could be nothing, who knows. I use it cause no one really knows that much about me. Not even my friends. Hell, I'm an enigma to myself. So it's why I use the name.
Anyway, I just wanted to post a little something about me. I kinda rambled for a bit and I'm not really sure if I listed anything interesting. Oh well, I was bored and just wanted to write something.
unitl next time...
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on Feb 09, 2005
Interesting article, but I would suggest you look up the definitions of the words "benevolent" and "malevolent" as I believe you really meant the latter in your first paragraph.
on Feb 09, 2005
I ment belligerent, but benevolent got stuck in my head for some reason, Thanks though.
on Feb 09, 2005
belligerent works.
on Feb 09, 2005
Yeah, I got to thinking that bitching and ranting about how someone leaves you out of the activities that you did in the past together "as a suggestion of goodwill".
Eventhough the writing about it has cooled me off a bit, I'm still a bit of a malcontent
. But I try (god do I try) to look at the bright side of things.
Texas Wahine
on Feb 09, 2005
MX: Really interesting article...it's neat to learn a bit about you. You seem to be a hard working guy...and very sporty, hehe. I enjoyed reading this.
on Feb 09, 2005
I enjoyed reading this
Thanks for reading.
Professor Sue
on Feb 11, 2005
Hi Adam!
I enjoyed your post and wish you well in two things-- first, your quest to lose weight and, second, your journey toward being comfortable in your own skin. I get the sense you're in your 20s. I found that to be a long decade-- good in many spots but a lot of time spent finding one's self. A necessary journey, but painful at times. I'm overweight myself-- most recently due to freaking out over finishing my dissertation and thus eating nervously and by poor choice. I defend the diss on 3/4, after which point I intend to get a lot more serious about my health. My cheap advice, for what it's worth (and some of my students seem to find it helpful now & again): appreciate your unique self. You're expressive and observant and insightful. Weight is often, I think, a reflection of how we're feeling/how "together" we are on the inside. I spent soooo many years-- especially summers-- literally on the couch of my apt. staring at the TV. I sure wish I could get some of that time back, but we're all on our own little journey-paths. If any of my insights can make your trip (or anyone else's!) a bit smoother, I''d be glad for it. Ultimately, you're the only self you get-- I was adopted, too, and I think-- even if you're ultimately raised by decent folks-- that makes one feel a bit "rejected" somehow. In the end, though, we all make our own way and gain confidence in our own skills and accomplishments. Set some goals, work at them, and gain strength in that. Write a book-- use your writing talents. You're certainly a prolific blogger-- that's AWESOME. Writing so consistently takes discipline, really. Even if it's fun for you! Lose some weight/get in shape but never drop your head in shame. You're who you are and the only one you have to live with/be concerned about appealing to is YOU. All these other pissants are just passer-bys who are often projecting their own insecurities into judgements of you. Go back to school-- maybe become a teacher. God knows the country needs more decent, caring teachers. Just find YOUR way and be proud of what you do.
I have a cousin who's battling a terrible form of melanoma (skin cancer) at the moment. She wrote these words just today:
They tell you to reduce the stress in your life and live each day one day at a time. That is next to impossible even for the most optimistic of cancer patients. I do try to live every day with a smile on my face, (at least as much as I can), I thank God every night for a beautiful day, and I tell Rob and the boys “I love you” about 20 times a day. Don’t wait until you have a terminal illness to do these things. Make sure you express your feelings to your loved ones and thank God for your many blessings. Appreciate what you have instead of what you haven’t got. That is my lesson for today folks!!! So incase you were wondering what to pray for this week maybe you could pray that this pain in my neck is just that… a pain in the neck, unrelated to anything, and pray that you truly appreciate what God has given you. My love to you all.
I think that's really good advice-- hard to always live by, but good advice. Come March, if you could use a workout/dieting buddy, drop me a line at my web site: www.professorsue.com. There's a contact page that actually works this time. I finally just started hosting out of Yahoo, and it's not bad. The site still needs a lot of work, but I can't get to it right now.
Head up-- onward & upward,
on Feb 11, 2005
I enjoyed your post and wish you well
I'm very appreciative that you read my article, Thank you so much
first, your quest to lose weight and, second, your journey toward being comfortable in your own skin.
It's something I'm working on, but I fell like I can't really grasp it. But thanks for the well wishes.
I was adopted, too, and I think-- even if you're ultimately raised by decent folks-- that makes one feel a bit "rejected" somehow
Yeah, no doubt.
have a cousin who's battling a terrible form of melanoma (skin cancer) at the moment
I'm really sorry to hear that.
think that's really good advice
No, It's great advice. I'm always open to posittive input.
Come March, if you could use a workout/dieting buddy, drop me a line at my web site: www.professorsue.com
I plan to get back to "work" in that department also. By that time if your still interested, I'll drop you a line.
Thank you so much for the advice.
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