Lifes not that bad, but I'm gonna bitch about it anyways....
Published on February 1, 2005 By mada_ecks In Movies & TV & Books
So after the Superbowl, Seth McFarlane brings back his twisted humor for "American Dad". Sweet, can't wait for that. Then, on May 1st, new episodes of "Family guy. Can't wait for those either since I have the seasons on DVD and watched the hell out of them. Anyway..Link

Plus, Die Hard 4.0 is in pre-production. Names that have been thrown around for it was Die Hard 4(obviously) and (this is funny since it was on the Tiny toon adventure movie along time ago) Die Hardest. Link

Then the sequel to Underworld is un production as well. Awww, that's going to be sweet. I love the first one, but watched it a hundred times cause my ex-roommate had a thing for Kate Beckinsale. (Can't say I blame him, she's very beautiful).Link

anyway, that's all for this episode of "Nerding it Up", Join me next time when I hope to have reviews on "Constantine".



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