A nickel gets you a slap in the face...
Today at work I had one of the stupid order pullers smarted off to me. One of the other lift driversand myself were trying to figure out what to do with a pallet of books that had to be let down from the top racks so the order pullers could get the books. I was pissed cause it was a whole pallet of books and since the beginning of the week, seems like I have been pulling down hundreds of units for which could be avoided by putting the books in the bottom shelves.
Here's how it works. The first shift job is to stock the merchandise. After doing so, we right down the location of the book, isbn #, and how many books are in the location. The amount that is stocked in one particular location is then pulled for the orders. If there are any locations that don't have enough locations for the books, then that's where the lift drivers also come in. We go to the overhead location, where the books that don't fit into the bottom shelves go, and pull X amount of books needed.
Night shift comes in and fills the bottom locations so we won't have to pull down tons of books in the morning and all we'd have to do is stock. Well, apparently, night shift isn't doing there complete job cause were having to pull down alot of books these last few days and it isn't anywhere close to christmas.
I simply said, "I don't think someone's doing there job." Then this stupid man-beast that is supposed to be a women says, "Does it surprise you that know one does there job?". I replied, "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" She says, "Oh, seems like no one does there job around here."
Then I said, "Are you saying I'm not doing my job?" She shrugs her shoulders and walks off.
She pissed me off by indirectly saying that I don't do my job. I fucking do my job every god damn day I'm there. I'm always having to clean up other people's messes an, still, try to do my job at the same time. So for her to say that is the most annoying thing a person could ever say to me. Hell, if fester (her nickname) has a problem, then she should take it up with my supervisor. Until then, she should keep her two cents, save them, and when she gets enough money, get a mega-makeover. (I can feel hell freezing over already.)
This article has been brought to you by sheer rage. Have a nice day.