My near death experience.
So it was an early day for me at work. We've been on this "no overtime" thing for the last few days so we have been getting of earlier than usual. So I decide to make it an early night an just stay home for the night. When I get home, I notice that we don't have anything to eat here except what my mom and sister have. Can't touch there stuff without conscent, so I decide to go to Wally world to pick up some essentials for the weekend. Onmy way, I decide to take a scenic route. (famous last words, don't know why, I know what there is to see and seen everything in Florence.)
I decide to take the route from Hermitage and just go straight to Cox Creek (main highway). Right as I get about 50 yards from the stop sign, this person decides he going to turn in front of me onto the main street, I quickly put on my brakes. Then, a do a freakin' 360 cause I hit a slick area in the road. Now this patch of street that leads to the main highway is narrow and a two lane, and I spin in the on-coming lane over into the driveway of an apartment complex. Luckly, I didn't hit anything/anyone, but I came close to running of the road into a ditch, and when I gained control enough to turn, I nearly hit this car in the on-coming lane. I'm literally close enough to see the white of that drivers eyes.
What a way to end my life. That whole "life flash in front of your eyes" thing didn't happen to me, all I saw was A big blur and a voice asking me, "What would you like on your tombstone?". Anyway, I'm glad nothing really unfortunate happened and everyone got out unscaved. I just have to be really careful in the future though, but when I do wreck, I hope to have on where My care turns over about a hundred times, I get out like nothing happened, then the car blows up when I walk away in slow-motion. What I did was pretty cool though, I did a spin and I went pulled into the driveway perfectly. Ala James Bond (my mero).
I can dream can I!! I know it won't happen!!!
Well, until next time.....