Lifes not that bad, but I'm gonna bitch about it anyways....
So my new year is going great right now. I started off working 23 1/2 hours on Thursday. Then, I spent my whole 3 day weekend fighting a godamn cold. Then, I saw a friend that I haven't seen in a while that was walking with some dude that I guess is her boyfriend cause she never calls me anymore. (I figured out the deal behind that and I'm about to rant on that right know.)

I spent 2 years being this girls personal therapist. I spent most of my time being that "shoulder" that I so love. I spent my time being the confidant, the protector, the big brother, and (sometimes) the father figure. She would tell me every little detail about her young adult life. She told me about when she had her first boyfriend, her first kiss, and even, her first sexual experience. Because of how young she was, I was shocked, but, I tried to be supportive. I tried to be in her corner when no one else would. Not even her own family gave a fuck about her, but I did. Cause I saw something in her that reminded me of me.

I went through the same crap when I was a teen. The cutting. The fighting. Being withdrawn. Feeling like no one understood me and no one cared. I've had all these feelings before. She was having these feelings and didn't know how to cope. I could relate and I gave her as much help as I could. I tried but I see that it wasn't as good as I thought I was. I see that she rather be a "whore". "Whore", that is a little harsh isn't it? But, I don't really care cause I see where I stand on the friendship totem poll.

But that's behind me know cause I 'm still pissed that I had to work 23 1/2 hours on thursday. It was inventory and we had to count everything in the entire wharehouse. We fell behind schedule cause I spent 7 hours tag boxes (which could have been avoided if we were given the tags to begin with) instead of scanning the mercandise. Then when we got finished(which was around 1a.m.) We had to go back and double check some of the discrepancies in the count. I had enough around 4a.m. so I snuck out behind some people that my boss told could leave. If anyone asked, I 'll say that the boss told me I could leave. No big deal, no one ever see's him on the floor any way.

So this week is the first full week of the new year. I hope this week wil go smoother than the last one. I hope that everyone in JU land has a happy new year as well.

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