Lifes not that bad, but I'm gonna bitch about it anyways....
Published on December 24, 2004 By mada_ecks In Home & Family
Yesterday was the best work day I had. Eventhough I had to work extra hours to get the extra day off, it still was a good day. On my way home, I was contemplating on what I was going to do tomorrow (today) and I told myself that I was going to catch up on some sleep and try to restart my excercise program. Then when I walked in the door, the strartling news hit my ears.

"Grandma in the hospital again.", My brother informed me as soon as I stepped foot in the house.
"Did they say what was wrong with her.", I replied. He said, "They said she was passing blood again."
"I wish someone had called and left a message on my cell phone, and then I would have known about it sooner. I was At work the whole time and didn't think anything was wrong." I then told him.

My grandmother has kidney stones. She has had them for the past three years. Before, the stones, she also had to have gall stones removed. Around the end of '99, she went into ICU for the gall stone problem. She stayed in there for about a month , then she had surgery, and she went into a rehabilitation center for about another month. She had to have on of those nice breathing therapy machines installed into her house. She turns the oxygen tank on, and it actually helps me sleep at night cause it like the rain hitting your roof.

After her battle with that, everything was fine. Until she developed kidney stones. Know the process is simple, have the stones, get them surgically removed, right. Well, by this time my grandmother also had trouble with her blood pressure and she was a diabetic. (nice combination). When she went into the Critical care unit, (CCU), her blood pressure had went up and her sugar level went down. (Nice combination). Because of the fluxuation of her blood pressure and sugar level, she couldn't have surgery. It's not that she can't have surgery, the doctors don't want to take the chance of putting her under medication that would make her levels drop.

I hope everything works out. I hope that she can pull through this just like she has before. Eventhough, she is not as strong as she was before and the illness are taking there toll, but I still hope for the best.

on Dec 24, 2004
I hope your grandmother recovers soon.
on Dec 24, 2004
I pray that you Grandmother will make it through with as little pain as possible.

I went through some tough times with my Great Granny a couple of years ago, I know it's rough.
on Dec 24, 2004
Thanx for the prayers, I'm going to visit her today and see how she's doing. I talked to her on the phone this morning, but I still want to check up on her.