Why seeing it will be bitter-sweet.
I'm really amped to see the next (and possibly last) Blade movie which will be out this Wednesday. I really loved to first two movies, and I like Wesley Snipes as the Blade Character. But in the second movie, I noticed a annoying act in a couple of the final fight scenes. It's what I like to call the suplex and the elbow drop. So if you add some wrestling moves, you can attract all of the idiots that would have now idea what the movie is about.
When Blade dropped one of the vampire loons in a "test-book" suplex (if you grew up in wrestling, you know what I'm talking about. But if you don't, then see the movie.) the audience in the theatre w (mostly men) went "Yeah!!! Know that's what I'm talking about!!!"
Or "Holy shit, that was fucking awesome!!!" (add any ignorant outburst here that would sound like someone not paying attention until something completely irrelevant to the story happens).
But to get to my point, which is Triple H (WWE superstar) is in Blade Trinity. I like HHH, but, why the fuck is he in this movie. Oh, Iknow why, because hes's in it to attracted the dumb motherfuckers so the producers can pump up the grosses. Which isn't bad, but I think it would probably distract from the whole movie. For example, after the suplex in Blade II, al I heard after the fact was, "The suplex was cool!" or "Can't believe Blade went all 'Hulk Hogan' on those vampire bastards'!" They were so wrapped up in the maddness of the "wraslin" that they lost the whole concept of the movie.
Well, here I am sounding like a nog. I'm just a big fan of the movie, and I hope it does really well. I hope that it's as good as the first Blade movies. But not at the expense of the "wraslin" folk who probably show up just to see Triple H. But anyway, I know I'll be there the first night and I'll post a review of it to let you know what I think. But if you go see, I hope you enjoy it.