A few days ago, when I was checking my email, I notices that there were some personal ads on my mail site. It talked about "finding your match" or "finding your soulmate" which we all think we need help with knowadays. I always laughed at the idea of putting your information out in the public ( to people you never met) to help you find a person ( who they have never met) and hopefullly put the two together ( based on information that is either a small fib or a huge exaggeration). Hopefully when the two meet, they will fall in love and live happly everafter.
With all this being said, I tried my hand at the online personals. Basically, to see if anyone was a match for me. I started of by being honest. I noticed that I got a few matches. Then I stretched the truth a little ( a lot, actually) and noticed that I got all kinds of matches. I was also sent an email by the Online dating service about the matches they have found for me. They sent me pictures of the girls that they thought were a match. They even said that one of them wanted to talk to me so they sent me a message through the dating service, because on our profiles, we can't list any phone numbers or email addressess.
All I had to do was go to the online dating service, click on my profile, then click on incoming messages to view my message. Then it hit me when I clicked. It was just a sham to get some poor loser to pay them to find a match. They wanted to bill me for looking at my incoming message. That's crazy! Then I noticed the picture of the girl, and she was gorgeous. So I started to think, if a girl this hot is trying to find an match online, then there is something extremely wrong here.
Now i'm really sceptical about personals and online dating services. If someone is willing to pay a complete stranger(s) to find another complete stranger, then what good are your friends. Have friends hooking up their friends become obsolete. I don't know?
But anyway, I had my wake up call. So if anyone is thinking, "Well i think I ll try yahoo personal to see if I can hook up with someone", then beware, because it my the a trick to get your hard earned money. Maybe, the person we all look for is right underneath our noses anyway.